Watch movies and videos on your computer or listen to your favorite music. Manage a library containing your media files and keep it organized or create playlists. The tool also plays Internet radio stations or other audio streams and is controllable via global hotkeys.
R-Player is a free no-bullshit media player for the Windows operating system, still in development.
R-Player gives the best of both worlds by giving lots of functionality, like a media library and support for any file type (if you have the required decoders installed), while keeping the speed and the low memory usage the smaller players have. The entire player is smaller than 1 MB and installing takes less than a second!
Global hotkeys, the low cpu and memory usage makes R-Player perfect for playing video games without performance loss, and is also suitable for lower-end computers.
Features R-Player will NEVER have are visualisations, audio or video effects, an equalizer, skins and other stuff that make things slower.
Also, R-Player will stay free and will never become adware.